Episode Six: The Big Work Weekend


[note: I simply could not fit writing time in once this weekend began. I was either working or sleeping. I’ll try to get you up-to-date.]

Craig arrived from Chicago on Wed afternoon after settling his youngest, Maya, into her dorm for her first week of college (Bowling Green, Ohio). The night of his arrival seems so long ago I don’t even remember it. Dana and Kelly arrived early the next morning. Arthur, Dana’s uncle, showed up shortly thereafter and, after all the greeting and meeting was finished, we set to the work.

Dana, Kelly, Jan, Craig, Shelley, Bud, Tom (a high school friend of Dana’s), and I worked all morning packing, painting, and panting. The thick New England humidity arrived in force just in time for the big weekend push. Even so, Craig, Dana and Arthur made short work of emptying the contents of Jan’s attic onto the front lawn. Jan, Shelley, and I frantically tried to sort it but just when we thought we were gaining on it, the guys found fresh corners to empty.

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Our meals rolled in right on schedule, though Dana was true to his pledge to eat only at Paul’s while he was in town. I admit to having my fair share of it myself. So we had lots of leftovers for my last week.

Then, friends of the family began to drop by to Craig and Dana while they were in town. Margie (a very old friend), Rob and Midge, Janet and Richard (the son), Owen, Teddy, Hope and Rudy. It was a mad house. Dana and Kelly wisely bolted for the quiet shelter of their hotel room. Each of our visitors is a beloved member of our family’s history. I guess the word got out that the Rothman’s were all in town at once and that the House at Carol Drive would be passing out of the family.



Even after everyone left except for Jan and me, Peter and Michele and Dennis and Jane called to ask if they could stop by…we said no. (We saw little of the regular gang: Rose and Marlene arrived with our dinner and left immediately looking somewhat stunned by the mob. Well, so were we.)

Don’t misunderstand: It hasn’t all been peaceful and loving. We Rothmans have strong opinions and can be stubborn in our rightousness. Feelings were hurt; pride wounded; tempers tested. Family is hard. But as always, we were up to the task. One late evening after a long and difficult day, Jan, Shelley, and I just lost it and had to separate. Craig went and sat in a chair that had been dragged to the curb for giveaway. I went for a walk around the block, barefoot down the center of the road just like I used to when I grew up here. I sobbed most of the way round wondering if we had finally and irrevocably gone too far and severed our family bonds. When I got back, I chatted amicably with a nearby family who were thrilled to take home a couple of bamboo shelves. I went inside and found Shelley sorting through some family papers. I joined her and we laughed and reminisced. Jan and Craig joined us in the kitchen as we passed around old photos, read aloud letters from our ancestors, and made surprising discoveries about them (more on that latter). Love won out again.

One response »

  1. It’s hard for the rest of us to get our heads around the fact that 12 Carol Drive won’t be a gathering spot anymore…Such good times were had and beautiful souls met there for music,prayers,moral support and laughter through the years.!!!!Thank you sooo much to the Rothman family …and yes..dealing with change ,especially that within families can be very difficult,but you guys have always been thick as thieves in Love and it really shows…Unity in Diversity…that’s you guys….we love you all…..Peter and MicheleXOXOXO

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